Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sugar Consumption

Sugar consumption is a serious issue these days. If you look at the ingredients on the back of your food products, pop cans, cereals, and even granola bars you will see the large amounts of sugars in everything we eat. If you have a scale measure out 10grams of sugar and compare it to whats in your pantry. You will be amazed at how much sugar is in the foods we think are healthy. Consuming to much sugar can lead to a variety of nutritional and health problems.
Most of us are consuming about 20 teaspoons of sugar and more each day. If we were to measure out that much sugar than sit down and eat it none of us would feel very good.

[HEARTBEAT2]According to a statement by Bridging the Gap, a research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, studies have shown that about 13 percent of the average teenagers’ total daily calories come from sugary drinks.

It seems like these days we as Americans can't shovel enough sugar into our mouths, and are always looking for the sweetest of treats to indulge in. It is one of the leading causes of diabetes in our youth today. I remember when diabetes was only something adults suffered from. Now it is not uncommon for teens and even adolescents to have to take insulin shots and make sure their blood sugar is at the proper levels. How can we help stop this epidemic? Read our labels, investigate our foods, and question if we really need that extra cookie. We can find all kinds of sweet healthy fruits out there to curb those sugar cravings. Not to mention in doing that we are eating the fruits we are supposed to be eating each day. There is more satisfaction to putting healthy items in our cart, pantry and on our table than all the unhealthy foods that are loaded with unnecessary sugars in it.

Adding color to your plate with veggies and fruits will make a huge difference in how you eat. Have a variety of foods at dinner not just one or two things. I learned a long time ago when my children were young that when they had three or 4 different items on their plates they were much more satisfied and full by the end of the meal. They love asking whats for dinner and are always excited when there are different items introduced at meal times.

Recently, I found my children grazing far to much, so I have also limited how many snacks they consume a day. They have breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between each meal they are allowed a nutritional snack such as carrots & apples, nuts & dried fruit, pretzels & grapes, or popcorn (no butter) & pears. This has taught them that food isn't something that is packed around with you all day, there is a time and place to eat. Furthermore, this encourages healthy eating, not over eating or over indulging when ever food is available.

We were all raised much differently than our children are being raised today. Lets not forget the simplicity in cooking and eating healthy. I remember never complaining about what was in front of me at meal times. I find my daughter complaining because she doesn't want to eat broccoli or other cooked veggies. She is learning a very important and necessary lesson about nutritious foods, plus vitamins, and how good they are for her. Even if she doesn't like them now she will thank me when she's older.

We as parents need to remember that we are in charge of how our children view the world, the food around them, and themselves as individuals. Our influence on them is substantial. It's very important that the health lessons we teach them stick with them for a lifetime. Just think that someday they will be teaching their children a healthy way of living. Our goal as parents is to send them out into the world with all the tools they need emotionally, physically, and mentally to succeed. We know it isn't easy out there, and growing up is hard at times. So lets make sure our children are prepared and strong enough to carve their own path to a long, healthy, and independent life.

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